Use "thwart|thwarts" in a sentence

1. Thwart that Abyssinian

2. Our course must thwart those designs.

3. I don't think that will thwart our purposes.

4. Harry knew now that nothing could thwart his plans.

5. Blockchain technology was designed to thwart big institutions

6. Sollozzo mounts a second assassination attempt on Vito at the hospital, which Michael thwarts.

7. This MasterBuilder will thwart The Kragle and save the realm

8. Deafening attacks thwart Blindsight if it relies on hearing.

9. Checkmate definition is - to arrest, thwart, or counter completely

10. Just as urgently, the Putin government is trying to thwart him.

11. Some common synonyms of Balk are baffle, foil, frustrate, and thwart

12. Congressional Republicans have made clear their intention to thwart these efforts.

13. Drill a hole in the thwart (seat) and put the Belaying pin …

14. God knew that he had never wished to thwart her in anything!

15. He made the fish fast to bow and stern and to the middle thwart.

16. 69 synonyms for Avoid: prevent, stop, frustrate, hamper, foil, inhibit, head off, avert, thwart, intercept

17. To some extent his interest in revenge had helped to thwart success over taxation.

18. However, the council of ministers, divided on every other issue, combined to thwart her.

19. Adversarial attacks use machine learning against machine learning by creating images, text or audio, that thwarts other algorithms from performing as expected

20. I love his shield of faith to thwart the fiery darts of the adversary.

21. Police efforts to thwart a feared attack triggered a disruptive , security clampdown across the country.

22. All I'm saying is that we need to anticipate threats when we can and thwart them.

23. Shrinking grazing areas and a lack of investment in fodder trees may thwart a sustainable revival.

24. The move was conceivably intended to thwart peace negotiations conducted by the archbishop of Canterbury.

25. During Yeltsin's campaign for the presidency Gorbachev had at times quite blatantly attempted to thwart him.

26. It would have to reach 4 95 or less to thwart the Lockheed Martin-Loral combination.

27. The principal must not interfere with the consummation of the agency or thwart the effectiveness thereof.

28. For all these years we had this huge military alliance designed to thwart the dreaded Commies.

29. Activities designed to prevent or thwart spying by an opposition: the Security Service has responsibility for Counterespionage

30. Propagating from garlic plant Bulbils can revitalize garlic strains, thwart the transmission of soil-borne diseases and is economical as

31. These upcoming classes will focus on the interior joinery needed to complete the vessel including constructing the centerboard trunk, Breasthook, knees, risers, rudder, thwarts, and sole

32. He’ll call on every country to join our pressure campaign in order to thwart Iran’s global torrent of destructive activity.

33. He accused Kremlin hawks of a conspiracy to keep the war going to bolster their own power and thwart his ambitions.

34. Overseas mission to thwart the resurgence of al Qaeda and ISIS is a critical national security objective, a more important Counterterrorism challenge …

35. It took less than two months for legislators to remake two agencies created in the last century to thwart Bossism

36. Counterintelligence can be described as activities designed to prevent or thwart spying, intelligence gathering, and sabotage by an enemy or other foreign entity

37. Google’s alleged Anticompetitive practices are “especially pernicious because they deny rivals scale to compete effectively”, and thwart potential innovation, the suit alleged.

38. Ransome Kuti had accused it of instigating the violence in order to thwart the handover to civilian rule scheduled for January 19

39. In an effort to thwart MiG attacks, several F-105Fs were also fitted with Hallicrafters QRC-128 communication jamming system under project Combat Martin.

40. Raytheon Co. and its team of contractors will work with the Defense Information Systems Agency to thwart potential attacks on Defense Department cyber networks.

41. In Actualities, poet and artist meditate in tandem, moving between anxiety and reconciliation, in a call and response with one another, and with a cosmos that continuously thwarts knowing, refusing to sit still

42. Angler also utilized a Diffie-Hellman encryption key exchange to make each attack unique to a particular victim and to thwart attempts at replaying packet captures

43. A presumptuous nickname, whether applied directly to a person or one's profession(, can thwart communication by its offensiveness as much as by its ambiguity.

44. The manner in which the government is Bureaucratically seeking to thwart Winner’s appeal does not bode well for prisoners seeking to invoke the First Step Act …

45. (ăn′tē-kəm-pĕt′ĭ-tĭv, ăn′tī-) adj. Relating to practices or policies that unfairly thwart or impede competition in a market: Anticompetitive pricing strategies

46. Japan and South Korea, in response, have been preparing their respective militaries in order to thwart such military Adventurism.Russia Scales Up Its Influence, China Consolidates Its

47. Unless our border control authorities and law enforcement officers have real time, seamless access, we’ll never be quick and thorough enough to thwart the next attack.

48. APEC members, too, should use the existing umbrella of Pax Americana to accelerate economic, security, and political integration before new rivalries emerge to thwart their efforts.

49. And once you’ve successfully managed to thwart any major holiday Brouhahas, keep the Easter fun rolling with our collection of Easter Egg coloring pages and Easter bunny coloring pages,

50. He was saying that the failure of the natural Jews to accept the Messiah would not thwart God’s purpose to have a spiritual ‘olive tree’ full of productive branches.

51. TWO Bellmen follows a competitive relationship between two exceptional Bellmen that becomes a "crime fighters" friendship when the pair teams-up to thwart an attempted art heist

52. An Antibody infusion being tested for preventing HIV does not seem to thwart most infections -- but its success against certain strains of the virus suggests researchers are on the right track.

53. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God, this did not thwart his original purpose, but it did cause a necessary adjustment of some details in order for his purpose regarding humans and the earth to be fulfilled.

54. John Passheley, a Broiderer, was one of several parishioners who stepped in to thwart John Kirkeham, catchpoll of London, from dragging a sanctuary man from St Martin's; Kirkeham got his revenge by suing a false trespass against Passheley.

55. Blackball: 1 v vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent Synonyms: negative , veto Types: defeat , kill , shoot down , vote down , vote out thwart the passage of Type of: contradict , controvert , oppose be resistant to v expel from a community or group Synonyms: ban , banish , cast out , ostracise , ostracize , shun Type of: expel ,

56. Koun-ter-val' (shawah, "equalize"): To thwart or overcome by acting against with equal force; thus, "The enemy could not Countervail the king's damage" or loss (Esther 7:4 the American Standard Revised Version reads "The adversary could not have compensated for the king's damage")."Nothing doth Countervail (the Revised Version (British and American) "can be taken in …